Babysitter's Training

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Course Description:
A comprehensive 8-hour program to help young people, age 11 - 15, become responsible babysitters. The course is interactive and activity-based, and includes a video and course handbook. It emphasizes five primary thematic areas:

Leadership: decision-making, mediation, attitude, supervision and negotiation skills.
This segment addresses personal responsibility, decision-making, communication skills and behavior management. Using the FIND model, it teaches participants how to:
F - Figure out the problem
I - Identify the choices
N - Name the pros and cons
D - Decide what to do
The behavior management section teaches ways to manage children, listening skills, how to respond to typical child behaviors in nonviolent ways, with an emphasis on never hitting, shaking or calling names. Positive approaches to teaching young children how to behave appropriately are also covered.

Safety and Prevention: personal, household, environmental, and age-specific safe play.
This segment is broken down into two sections -- General Safety and Safety in Play. General Safety addresses hazards in and around the home, outdoor safety, controlling the spread of infection and hand-washing. Safety in Play relates choice of play and play objects to age appropriateness and impact on safety.

First Aid: practical, elementary first aid skills.
This segment includes what to do in an emergency and how to get help, bleeding control, choking and rescue breathing, as well as how to use the 40 first aid care plans included in the handbook all participants receive.

Basic Care: nutrition, feeding, bedtime, and other care issues.
This segment includes taking care of physical needs, including diapering, how to hold an infant, dressing and food preparation.

Professional Skills: (job skills and self-assessment)
This segment includes personal safety, choosing childcare situations, reporting to parents, what jobs to refuse, how to assess readiness for specific situations, and finding a job. It also reinforces the concepts taught earlier on personal responsibility and the important role of the babysitter.

Cost of Course: $65 - includes the outstanding Babysitter's Handbook as well as the professional Babysitter's Carry-All (with first aid items, emergency information, and flashlight.)

Cost to Bring the Training to You: $65 per student, must have a group of 8 or more.

Gift certificates are available if you would like to give one to a teenager you know.

View course dates and locations.

(Note: Maryland law requires that individuals be at least 13 years old to be left unsupervised with children less than 8 years old.)

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